


摄影:杨奕非  胡清阳



    2017622上午在学校的大礼堂,2017届南外剑桥IB高三同学举办了盛大的毕业典礼。在邹正校长和Mr. Leigh Smith的带领下,盛装打扮的高三同学们徐徐进入了会场,家长、老师与高二的同学们予以热烈的掌声。





  在主持人的引领下,邹校长、Leigh校长、班主任、学生代表依次进行了发言。邹校长的立大志,致良知主题演讲让毕业生们陷入了深沉的思考,对于出国后的学习生活之路有了新的认识,新的方向。Principal Leigh的发言强调了学海无涯的重要性,祝愿同学们能不断成长,不断汲取新的知识与技术。




                                      Principal Leigh发言


Principal Leigh 发言稿:

Learning for Life


Firstly, may I welcome everyone here today, Principal Zhou, Centre Director Ms Lin, parents, friends, teachers and of course, our students, the graduating class of 2017.


May I also say that I have thoroughly enjoyed this year which, in my opinion, has been the most successful ever.There are a number of people I would like to thank. My Centre Director for her calm guidance and for her advice and support. My teachers, many of whom are amongst the most gifted I have worked with in my forty years in education. And, most importantly, my students who are the nicest group of young people I have ever worked with. I come to school with a smile on my face, I leave with a smile on my face and spend the whole day smiling. Senior Three is a difficult year with many demands and much stress placed upon students. You have coped admirably and I am exceptionally proud of you.

Learning for Life

The more I learn, the more I learn how much there is still left to learn. As I have journeyed through my own life, I have become aware that knowledge is not only a means by which you can better understand the world but also a way of appreciating how much, as an individual, you don’t know. This is not to be perceived as a weakness but as a strength for,  I once had an art teacher who pointed out that it’s not only what you can see that is important but also what you can’t see. When drawing still life, it was impressed upon me that the spaces between the objects were just as vital to the success of the composition, as the actual objects themselves. To put it succinctly,

“To know one’s ignorance is the best part of knowledge”

(Lao Tzu c 600BC)


“When you know a thing, to recognize that you know it and when

you do not know a thing, to recognize that you do not know it…

that is knowledge!”

(Confucius, c 500BC)

It is important to recognize that in a rapidly changing world, it is vital that we remain lifelong learners. Knowledge production has become exponential with, for example, estimates that the amount of technical information doubles every two years. New knowledge is constantly being generated and what we already know is constantly being revised, to the extent that much of what students learn in school could well be out of date before they graduate. Indeed, it could be argued that teachers are preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies not yet invented, to provide solutions to problems that are not yet problems!

Therefore, as you progress through your senior school years and university, understand that it is not sufficient to simply know something or, to understand what you know, because for knowledge to have value, it has to be applied. Following application, their then must follow the review processes of analysis and evaluation so that the application of knowledge can be refined and improved. Only then, will you have reached the top of the thinking skills hierarchy and have the opportunity to be truly creative, fulfilled in the knowledge that you are using what you have learned.

In summary, know what you know and use it, know what you don’t know and embrace it, know that you will never know all there is to know and wonder in it and strive to reach the pinnacle of the cognitive skills pyramid.






































Ladies and gentleman, my dear teachers and fellow classmates,

Good morning! My name is Wu, Kehuan (Selina), and I’m very honored to be the speaker of the 2017 Commencement of Nanjing Foreign Language School International Center. First I want to express my gratitude to the generous guidance from our teachers and constant care from our parents, and to my fellow classmates who help us to become better individuals. Time flies swiftly, and I can still vividly recall the day when we first met. In these three years, I have learnt three things that will benefit me for a lifetime. Today, I am more than happy to share these three things with you all.



The first thing that I learned in high school is the ability to deal with the pressure of work.

School life in our international center was tough, especially for IB, but after three years of high school, I wanted to thank those terribly busy nights we struggled through with tears on our faces. They made our growth happen. In the first semester of Senior 3, anxiousness lasted for over five months, which was caused by countless essay deadlines, assignments, standardized tests, college application and extracurricular activities. I clearly remember how these fell upon us like heavy mountains on our back. Every day we worked over midnight and still had to go to school with tired bodies for new knowledge. Just like everyone, I have moments that I figured I couldn’t make it through and wanted to give up. In Senior 3, the easiest time for me was the half-an-hour bus trip back home every night; I still remember after getting off the bus, how helpless I felt when walking in the dim orange light over the streets. But tracing these intense days back now, we really made them through. If we were to meet this kind of arduous process in universities again, we can tell ourselves that nothing cannot be conquered, just like what we underwent in our high school life. This ability of dealing pressure can never be learned from textbooks. It is an ability that can only be learned through experiences and I believe that it will benefit us forever.

The second thing that I learned in high school is broad-mindedness.

Three years in high school are the most important years for the formation of one’s views of life. I am thankful that I lived these three years in our international center. We are the results of a integration of eastern and western education, and we are young people who love thinking and prefer idealism. I have never found another group which possesses the same willingness to express and to exchange their thoughts and spiritsas we do. At the beginning of high school, I was trying to stay with myself and my conservative views, but I slowly learned to seek common grounds while reserving differences when I communicate with my friends. My views of value changed tremendously, and I also used my opinions to influence others, to help each other find the best ideal views of value.On the other hand, I learned to tolerate my own imperfection, acknowledge my own strength and weaknesses, and calmly face the my true self. This prepared me for future elevation.

The third thing that I learned in high school is facing solitude.

Entering adulthood, I suddenly feel overwhelmingly lonely. We used to grow under protection from seniors and guidance from friends, but now we are on our own, stepping towards the age of being responsible. Awaits us the unknown world on the other side of the ocean, a new continent that most of us have few friends available. We will live alone, travel in the campus alone, visit the hospital alone, face the study alone, and stand at the crossroads of life alone. We are like the warriors leaving for a war, walking on this street of life with no turning back. I suddenly realize that all the independent thinking we learned, independent works assigned, and independent actions we had to experience, were all the preparations for this one-way journey. Realizing solitude is the first step of growing into an adult. Our eighteen-year-old minds are all ready for it. We are about to leave our hometown with solitude, stepping onto a long life journey with huge responsibilities on our shoulders.

Looking back to the beginning of our Senior 1, we though look similar outside, but actually different inside. Now we are armed with strongest minds ever. If everyone is a floating ship on an open sea, let me wish everyone have a favorable wind throughout the voyage. The sea ahead will be even more open. Though there will be stormy waves and the hidden reefs, it would be enjoyable to look back when the sea is at peace. Before that, let us sail together fearlessly on this sea of life!

Thank you.














                学生代表为母校献礼 (与林沁校长合影)





























